Water Management

How Much Water Do We Need
People live and culture flourish because of water. History conveyed how ancient Egypt civilization grew along the banks of the river Nile. Trades and business flourished because of the presence of the most essential water. Men lived longer, conquered death, sickness and even war because of that simple hydrogen-oxygen molecular relationship. We are truly lucky to have nature made it around “renewable”.
But what is it with water that makes it the most important resources of all? We live in a water planet, right?(71% of the Earth’s surface is water). Well if that’s the case then why worry? Oops,… but then we are also water beings (60% in most of our cells in the body is water) and that, in order for us to survive, we need to continually replenish them and so with our environment. If we have to deal with grim realities and statistical congruences, we may say that in the next two decades (with the course of global warming’s dictate over water cycle and growing world population) one out of four people will have no access to safe and adequate supply of clean and safe water. The hydrologic (water) cycle is continuously replenished.What alters it is the amount of slowly degradable and nondegradable WASTES that we throw into the system and the amount of precipitation (rain) nature would offer us- which is lately exacerbatingly negative. Climate change has dramatically made itself unpredictable. There maybe excessive water to places that could not hold it long (causing floods) and scarce in others where it seldom rains ( desert biomes).
So, how much water do we need now? How do we use it efficiently? Let’s ask ourselves.We, who maybe fortunately belonging to the water-haves region of the Earth may never know. What we have now may change and what changes may occur is still beyond our CONTROL.