On Forgetting

On Forgetting

I have befriended loneliness as it crept my midnight pillows
I welcomed it as a celebrating wash for my troubled soul to calm
I sang with it lullabies to hush its deafening wail that it may fade
And cease to bother me as I lay
I tucked myself with the warmth of your illusive blanket and tossed to find comfort
Many times for every recurring thought of the terrible fate I made

I arranged the beating of my heart into a symphony that it may dance my soul
Into a deep trance
I succumb...
Till the pain’s no more... but numbing

For time has mirrored my defeat like a beam so blinding
It flashes back and forth ...unforgiving
I learned to be unresentful
That I shared to sadness a piece of my heart to devour till it burps
Wishful that it won’t cross my mind any more
Of the memories we had before

I tamed the throbbing pain with a whiplash of blame
To make me strong for the sideshow to endure
I made the longing rest and talked myself that the best things doesn’t end
But just transforms to come back
To be another pudding

I have feigned to cover misery and persuaded it to stay till it leads me to sleep
I have made it my love and held on
Believing that one night it would get weary and leave
Me like you did
I keep on ...
To all these
For you are still the one person I desire
On forgetting....


GRAND said…
God!! teary eyed ko!!!

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