The ‘Spirit’ Behind 231 A cting indefatigable is what we see, it’s true B ehaving as if everyday starts life anew C onstructing strategies and D igesting lessons after we chew E xplaining why George Bush is head over heels in love with you F iguring out that there is more G rab your materials now let us explore H overing us up to I magine things that there is life in reading J uggling words in our minds we made poems in writing K nitting sequences and realizing that we can chart L etting you notice that this is all from the heart M aking us plain browsers to real readers N umbering our learnings with our fingers for O pening possibilities we owe P assing the course… hoping not a "NO" Q uestioning and R ebuking S ends chills in the 231’s T elling us that there really is a big chance of U nnerving the topics by V isualizing what’s into stories and W eeding out details for priced glories. So wha...